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bridge the gap - free resources

We’re here to support you—whether you’re a parent or a professional—by providing free resources, activity sheets, coping strategies, and posters to promote emotional wellbeing. Our website offers a wealth of tools, from videos for children to whole-school curriculums and online learning. Explore our resources, check out our YouTube channel, or browse our workshops and sessions to find the right support for you. For the best experience, we recommend viewing on a desktop.

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What is Mental Health? | Mental Health Explained for Children aged 5+ | Online Lesson Available

What is Mental Health? | Mental Health Explained for Children aged 5+ | Online Lesson Available

At Bridge the Gap we are passionate emotional educators, we help children learn more about what emotions are, how they feel in their body, growth mindset, authentic resilience/self-esteem and we also help them to understand what mental health is. Mental health is mostly talked about in terms of crisis and illness, but we ALL have mental health, it can be difficult to explain to young people as we may not have the knowledge or language ourselves so this video helps aid this education and understanding. This video is also available with a full lesson attached through our online platform, you can gain access to all our lessons, including more exclusive videos and downloads, alongside staff CPD sessions and support for parents for just £500 per term. Please get in touch to find out more. Bridge the Gap Child Mental Health C.I.C are a non-profit family wellbeing service based in the East Midlands. We offer free resources and low cost small group sessions and 1:1 interventions and therapies for children and adults; both at our premises and online. We have an online membership where you can access the tools you need to offer a quality emotional education for your child. Please visit our website for more information: #child #mental #health #family #wellness #anger #anxiety #emotions #parenting #emotionalliteracy #brain #brainstemcalmers #coping #strategies #grounding #soothing #parenting #calmers #wellbeing
Top 10 Emotional Literacy Resources - Supporting Child Emotional Development - Family Wellbeing

Top 10 Emotional Literacy Resources - Supporting Child Emotional Development - Family Wellbeing

Bridge the Gap Child Mental Health C.I.C are a family wellbeing service; Emotional Literacy is embedded in everything that we do. Here our founder shares the teams top 10 shop bought resources. Please consider signing up to Easy Fundraising and choosing Bridge the Gap as your charity to support, it doesn't cost you anything but we receive a very small percentage from your sale - like a cash back site for good causes! Emoji Balls Tom Tags Emotion Cubes Eva Eland Books A Therapeutic Treasure Deck of Grounding, Soothing, Coping and Regulating Cards Gilly the Giraffe Self-Esteem Activity Book: A Therapeutic Story with Creative Activities for Children Aged 5-10 The Mood Cards: Make Sense of Your Moods and Emotions for Clarity, Confidence and Well-Being My Mood Stars and My Mood Stars Book My Happy Self Journal Feelings in a Jar When I Feel Books Understanding Anxiety Guide and Activity Book #emotions #parenting #moods #emotionalliteracy #feelings #tantrums #emotionaldevelopment #books #toys #top10 #childmentalhealth #family #wellbeing #child #familywellbeing #wellness #mentalhealth #raisingchildren #parentingtips #parentingsupport #community #charity #anxietysupport #childhoodanxiety
Express Yourself - Child Mental Health - Family Wellbeing - Anxiety Support - Emotions

Express Yourself - Child Mental Health - Family Wellbeing - Anxiety Support - Emotions

Creative Expressive Activities can help us to work through how we feel in the moment without having to speak about the things that are on our mind. Sometimes we feel all confused about how we feel, not sure how to communicate those feelings, creative activities can help our brain take the lead in helping us to move through them. This activity is a great way to let go of anger or hurt that is impacting our mood, behaviour or wellbeing = have a go! Empowering ourselves way to cope with difficult thoughts and feelings is a great way to support our mental health. Visit our website for more ideas: You can email us with feedback and ask any questions by emailing us on Join our Facebook community here:​ Bridge the Gap are a child mental health CIC that are committed to supporting and improving family wellbeing. Based in the East Midlands but working online across the country Bridge the Gap offer early interventions, a range of affordable therapies as well as support and training for parents and schools. #emotionalliteracy​​​ #emotional​​​ #literacy​​​ #emotions​​​ #resilience​​​ #anxiety​​​ #support​​​ #parenting​​​ #online​​​ #lessons​​​ #pshe​​​ #wellbeing​​​ #child​​​ #mental​​​ #health​​​ #family​​​ #community​​​ #feelings​​

HOLISTIC APPROACH TO CHILD MENTAL HEALTH | ADHD DIAGNOSIS | EMOTIONAL LITERACY | SUPPORTING ANXIETY week Jennifer and Nikki talk to the fantastic Shelley Smith, an Integrative Psychotherapist (MBACP) and Managing Director of ⁠Sunrise Wellbeing C.I.C.⁠ Shelley is passionate about offering a therapeutic service to help people of all ages with their presenting issues, to support their mental health and wellbeing and to provide them with strategies and skills that can prevent their troubles from escalating. We are all just trying our best in this busy world but sometimes need a little support along the way, especially in times of difficulty. This is why it was always Shelley’s dream to be able to offer a hub of therapeutic and holistic support to all. In this interesting conversation Jennifer and Nikki found out more about Shelley's recent ADHD diagnosis and what drives her to work to try and make a change in the world. Full of reflection points that helps us all to think about how we manage our own mental health as well as how we nurture our children's. Let us know what you think and don't forget to connect with us on social media, let's carry on the conversation. Enjoy the episode! Jennifer and Nikki are Directors of Bridge the Gap Child Mental Health C.I.C. Bridge the Gap are an Emotional Literacy based service, helping children to explore and understand their emotions, how they feel in their body, why they might be feeling different emotions, learn different ways of how to respond to different emotions, and putting it into action. ​ Bridge the Gap are a non-clinical service and operate as a 'Relationship Focused Model'. This means we work to build safe relationships with children and young people, as well as those important to them; working longer-term with a child or young person for the best long-term outcomes. We nurture children's authentic resilience, self-esteem and growth mindset so that they can live a fulfilling life. ​ Bridge the Gap want every child to know that they matter, they are loved and they are not alone.. #ADHD #SEND #CHILDMENTALHEALTH #EMOTIONALLITERACY #PARENTING #ANXIETYSUPPORT #ANXIETY #ANXIETYRELIEF

visit our youtube channel for our full range of videos

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